List of open issues; see issues
testuser@wiki:/srv/rbin$ newrepo 640test
Provide a one-line description to be used in repo listings, the shorter the better:
testing closed repo
Okay! Working, please wait...
Adding user testuser to group git-640test
Adding user iki-640test to group git-640test
Attribute (name) does not pass the type constraint because: That username is not in the correct format for an ikiwiki user. at constructor Piny::User::IkiWiki::new (defined at /usr/share/perl5/Piny/User/ line 35) line 17
Piny::User::IkiWiki::new('Piny::User::IkiWiki', 'name', 'iki-640test') called at /usr/share/perl5/Piny/ line 318
Piny::Repo::rebuild_ikiwiki('Piny::Repo=HASH(0x3ab1e40)') called at /usr/sbin/newrepo line 96
Two issues with this:
- The repo is created even if the Ikiwiki portion doesn't work
- The error message is non-intuitive
- Status: open
- Assigned to: jrayhawk bart
- Priority: now
- Opened by: Bart Massey
Do we need a full-fledged issue tracker? Or is this system enough?
Tweaks to current system:
- Present a default "Opened by" on new issues
- Clarify assigned-to tags and get default right
Possible enhancements etc:
- Integrate with not-yet-existent email list stuff to avoid having to sub the RSS feed for change notices?
- Do some better kind of bug history log?
All in all, the current setup is probably fine.
ikiwiki should be moved into docs/ in piny-code.git. then, we need to move tag/ and templates/ into docs/.
before this happens, pinyconfig should be able to handle ikiwiki paths and locations in a repo. 17:32 < kanzure> i suppose tag/ could be moved 17:32 < kanzure> but it seems useful to ikiwiki in general 17:33 < kanzure> (same with template/) 17:33 < jrayhawk> Yeah, we should probably move Ikiwiki over to doc/ anyway. 17:33 < kanzure> me or you 17:33 < jrayhawk> Well, I suppose Jules should implement that as a pinyconfig thing first.
There are a variety of things that wind up needing to be manually handled outside of the package installation in order to get piny working. It would be nice to correct all these.
- /srv/rbin
- mkdir /srv/www/$ikiwiki_destdir/repos
- mkdir /srv/www/$ikiwiki_destdir/static
- all the other stuff in /srv that i need to think about
- ln /usr/share/cgit/cgit.css /srv/www/$ikiwiki_destdir/static
- ln /usr/share/cgit/logo.png /srv/www/$ikiwiki_destdir/static
Dependencies should now be handled by the piny metapackage.
The 'piny-shared' unified underlay repository causes problems with things like the FormattingHelp link in the editpage. These are difficult to correct.
- Deunify the underlay repository, then use vserver piny hashify to unify storage. Not sure this is a good idea if I want to migrate to LXC.
- Get Joey or Josh to make provisions for my usage model.
For issues, use the following template: edittemplate issues registered for docs/issues/*